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Set - simple integer set handling class


  my @array = ( 1..10 );


This is Set version 0.3, alpha quality and still in construction. Most basic set operators are missing. May break your computer or burn your coffee. Use at your own risk!


A simple object oriented class for integer sets providing basic set operators and iteration functionality as methods. Set is a linked list.



  Creates a new set object. Takes as a parameter an array or a list of
  scalars. Does not do any type checking but forces parameters to integers.

=head2 to_string( )

  Returns set as a string.

=head2 elements( )

  Returns an array containing the elements of the set.

=head2 rewind( )

  Rewinds the set pointer to the first element.

=head2 current( )

  Returns the current element in the set.

=head2 next( )

  Returns the current element or undef if at the end of the set. Sets the
  pointer to the next element if not at the end of the set, 0 otherwise.

=head2 prev( )

  Returns the current element or undef if at the beginning of the set. Sets
  the pointer to the previous element if not at the beginning of the
  set, 0 otherwise.

=head2 size( )

  Returns the size of the set.

=head2 min( )

  Returns the smallest integer in the set or undef if set is emtpy.

=head2 max( )

  Returns the largest integer in the set or undef if set is empty.

=head2 remove($int)

  Removes the given integer from the set and returns the removed integer or
  undef if nothing was removed.

=head2 add($int)

  Adds the given integer to the set if set doesn't yet contain it and returns
  the given integer or undef if nothing was added.

=head2 contains($int)

  Returns 1 if set contains the given integer, otherwise 0.

=head2 union($set)

  Performs an union of self and given set object.

=head1 AUTHOR

Set by Marko Vihoma <marko (dot) vihoma (at) pp1 (dot) inet (dot) fi>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Many thanks go to the llama book, which I have read recently. Thanks also to my brother who has given me insights to Perl. Method naming conventions from Set::IntSpan by Steven McDougall, and discrete math course in Kuopio university.

package Set;

# We need perl 5.*
use 5;

# Pragmas
use integer;
use strict;
use warnings;

# Version string
our $VERSION = "0.3";

## no critic # Should I buy Perl Best Practices?
sub new {
  my $class = shift; # How do I unpack @_ first? See page 178 of PBP.
  my $set = [];
  if (@_) {
    $set = [ @_ ]; # Or is it this?
  my $self = { pos => 0, set => $set };
  bless($self, ref $class || $class);
  return $self;
## use critic

sub to_string {
  my $self = shift;
  my @set = $self->elements();
  my $ret = "";
  for my $i (0..$#set) {
    if ($i == $#set) {
      $ret .= $set[$i];
    else {
      $ret .= "$set[$i], ";
  return $ret;

sub elements {
  my $self = shift;
  my @set = @{ $self->{'set'} };
  return @set;

sub rewind {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'pos'} = 0;
  return 1;

sub is_empty {
  my $self = shift;
  my @set = @{ $self->{'set'} };
  if (@set) {
    return 0;
  else {
    return 1;

sub position {
  my $self = shift;

  my $prevpos = $self->{'pos'};
  if (@_) {
    my $position = shift;

    if ($position <= $self->size()) {
      $self->{'pos'} = $position;
      return $position;
    else {
      return undef;
  return $prevpos;

sub current {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'set'}->[$self->position()];

sub next {
  my $self = shift;
  my $position = $self->position();
  if ($position == $self->size()) {
    return undef;
  else {
    my $current = $self->current();
    return $current;

sub prev {
  my $self = shift;
  my $position = $self->position();
  if ($position < 0) {
    $self->position($self->size() - 1);
    return undef;
  else {
    my $current = $self->current();
    return $current;

sub size {
  my $self = shift;
  return $#{ $self->{'set'} } + 1;

sub min {
  my $self = shift;
  # min is undef if set is empty
  my $min = undef;
  # We'll find min only if set is not empty
  if(not $self->is_empty) {
    # Save current position
    my $position = $self->position();
    # Rewind position to 0
    $min = $self->next();
    # Let's iterate through self
    while (my $element = $self->next()) {
      $min = $element if ($element < $min);
    # Restore old position
  return $min;

sub max {
  my $self = shift;
  my $max = undef;
  # We'll find max only if set is not empty
  if (not $self->is_empty()) {
    # Save current position
    my $position = $self->position();
    # Rewind position to 0
    $max = $self->next();
    # Let's iterate through self
    while (my $element = $self->next()) {
      $max = $element if ($element > $max);
    # Restore old position
  # Return undef if set is emtpy
  return $max;

sub clear {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'set'} = \();

sub remove {
  my ($self, $element) = @_;
  my $s = new Set ();
  if ($self->contains($element)) {
    # Save the sets position
    my $position = $self->position();
    # We'll start from the beginning of the set
    # Let's iterate through current set
    while (my $cell = $self->next()) {
      # Add all elements except the one to be removed to the new set
      $s->add($cell) unless ($cell == $element);
    # Go back to old position
    # self's set gets only $s's elements
    $self->{'set'} = [ $s->elements() ];
    # Return the removed element
    return $element;
  else {
    # If nothing was removed, return undef
    return undef;

sub add {
  my ($self, $new) = @_;
  # Add element only if we don't have it already
  unless ($self->contains($new)) {
    $self->{'set'}->[$self->size()] = $new;
    return $new;
  else {
    return undef;

sub contains {
  my ($self, $other) = @_;
  # Return value is false by default
  my $ret = 0;
  # Save sets position
  my $position = $self->position();
  # rewind position to 0
  # Let's iterate through self
  while (my $element = $self->next()) {
    # Exit loop if set contains the given element
    if (int($other) == $element) {
      $ret = 1;
  # Restore old position
  return $ret;

sub union {
  my ($self, $s) = @_;
  # Complain if parameter is not a reference
  if (not ref $s) {
    print STDERR "Parameter must be an object reference!\n";
    return 0;
  # Save $s's position
  my $position = $s->position();
  # Rewind position to 0
  # Let's iterate through $s
  while (my $cell = $s->next()) {
  # Restore old position
  return 1;

