Marko Vihoma's Homepage / Code

MangaRamblo, armed OpenBSD blowfish

Some small code snippets i have made :

hs-stats, read HearthStone practice wins from a JSON file based on hero class. Formalization of file format not done. Written in Perl.

practice_normal.json Example JSON file for hs-stats. Format enhancements welcome!, a simple IRC-bot (uses Bot::BasicBot::Op -module, which inherits Bot::BasicBot-module from CPAN).

Bot::BasicBot::Op, a module which inherits Bot::BasicBot module and adds some operator methods. from iBots temp() -function. Give as parameters the cities for which you want to know the current temperature, widchill and sky condition.

temp.cgi from to CGI-script.

Now Playing in Adium with mpd , An Applescript-script, which shows in Adium what I'm listening with Music Player Daemon. [1]

np_mpc_adium_1 , sh-script, which Now Playing in Adium uses.

np_mpc_adium_2 , another sh-script used by Now Playing in Adium. [2]

Eratosthene's screen (screen) Programmed with Perl. [3]

Eratosthene's screen with my own class.

weather for a given city Perl script using the weather underground json API, much cleaner than the previous regex-based one., weather info for given city MacPerl script using graphical windows. (works only in OS X). , made to a real OS X application (.app). There's icons and startup from /Applications-folder or from Dock. Zip compressed.

Simple example of a backdoor with Perl

Simple example logic bomb with Perl

A very simple Blowfish cipher with Perl

SHA-256 Hash calculator with Perl

Simple fuzz-tester with extended ASCII output (includes control characters) written in Perl

  1. Adium finally knows (from version 1.3.2) how to show what's playing in status message :D
  2. Class for handling integer sets, programmed with Perl (there's already at least one in CPAN). Made as an excersice and is still quite deficient and definately extremely slow :D
  3. An exceresice to which i got the idea from the course material from "Introduction to computer sciences". Uses the CPAN Set::IntSpan class.